My sister was up in the attic again, and this week she found one of my childhood scrapbooks. It was from 1977 the year of the Queens Silver Jubilee. I was a crafter even back then ! It was one of those old fashioned childrens scrapbooks made out of sugar paper.
On the first page I had glued some Silver Jubilee ribbon down the side and pasted what must have been pictures from magazines of the perfect Silver Jubille dinner table !
The second page was more interesting it included an iron on Silver Jubilee badge which was apparently free with a newspaper, and a milk bottle top decorated with a crown and text saying Silver Jubilee. In those days milk used to actually come in bottles and it was delivered to your door by a milkman! The birds often used to peck through the silver tops for a free morning drink! On this page I also included a celebration postage stamp.
It is all in remarkably good condition, I am sure it is not acid or lignen free, but it has survived all these years unscathed, better than me actually!
Hope you all have a good weekend. What an historic day it was today for our Great Country.